Whole and Healthy You

Creating Lifelong Wellness

Extinguishing Your Anger (7 Steps to Freedom)

Man Extinguishing His Anger

Have you ever felt like it’s impossible to control your anger when something is bothering you? Extinguishing your anger isn’t easy, but it’s important when considering your overall health and wellness. Success with this is possible, but everyone is different. There are steps to take that contribute to achievement of this effort and should be […]

43 Personal Growth Quotes (By Category)

Beach background with words personal growth quotes

We get caught up in the day-to-day and sometimes need a reset. Instead of trudging on, take a few moments to settle your mind. It can help with confidence and action steps. It’s not uncommon to decide that you would like to make a change, or that it’s time to take steps toward personal growth. […]

Healthcare Behind the Scenes

Words Behind the Scenes for Healthcare

Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in healthcare? It’s a complex and ever-changing industry that involves a wide range of professionals, from doctors and nurses to administrators and insurance providers. Behind the scenes, there are many factors that impact the cost and quality of healthcare services. We’ll take a closer […]

Medical Gaslighting: Is It Real?

Picture of Medical Symbols and Pills

The term “gaslighting” has been around for decades but has recently spread like wildfire. Social media is riddled with descriptions of gaslighting during medical visits. Most often this surfaces when we feel overlooked or placated during issues that aren’t resolved. At a time when we’re encouraged to speak out against injustice and take a courageous […]

Listening to Your Body

Healthy Items Representing Listening to Your Body

It’s alarming to see news of someone famous that collapses or is diagnosed with an illness. Or to hear reports of the death of someone when you least expect it. Regardless of personal story, income, or popularity, there’s one thing we all have in common. We have one body. Everyone is susceptible to health situations. […]

Using Declarations (Not Doubt) for Your Wellness

Journal with Affirmations and Declarations

In This Article What is a Declaration? A declaration is a statement or an announcement. In most cases it is considered formal. A declaration can be used in the legal realm, with Biblical reflection, in real estate, with computer programming, and even in business. The idea behind a declaration is that it’s something you can […]

The Truth About Emotions

Ignoring Emotions by Covering Them Up

Sometimes it happens without warning. You find yourself blindsided by emotion, and it can hit when you least expect. This situation often stems from unsettled feelings, discouraging encounters, thoughts you can’t shake, or circumstances with others. The truth about emotions is that they encompass your life. How can you alleviate this continuous distraction? Spending time […]

Finding Breakthrough for the Busy, Burdened, and Burned Out

Maze Symbolizing Finding Breakthrough

It’s no secret that life comes with a variety of burdens and difficulties. As we maneuver these busy steps daily, weekly, and monthly, we become burned out. Sometimes it doesn’t take much. In this article we’ll look at finding breakthrough when you’re busy, burdened, and burned out. The one point these issues have in common […]

100 Meaningful Messages for Mom

Daughter Giving Mom Meaningful Messages

We embrace the women that are responsible for encouraging, loving, and nurturing us. Although a special day has been set aside specifically for celebrating mothers, the role can be filled by any woman who has been impactful. Some examples may include aunts, grandmothers, and stepmoms. For most of us, one stands out as the obvious […]

Environmental Health (Your Role for Earth Day and Beyond)

Earth and Environmental Health

There’s no mistaking that the efforts for improving our world from an environmental safety standpoint have gained attention over the years. This amped up movement has taken issues by storm, especially on Earth Day. There are many amazing facts about Earth Day and what it stands for. In this section, information is based on points […]