It’s no secret that life comes with a variety of burdens and difficulties. As we maneuver these busy steps daily, weekly, and monthly, we become burned out. Sometimes it doesn’t take much. In this article we’ll look at finding breakthrough when you’re busy, burdened, and burned out.
The one point these issues have in common is lack of energy and foresight. It becomes difficult to see past where you’re standing when you’re in this mindset.
One important point from the beginning is to know that you’re not alone. In the world of needing “one more thing,” responsibilities never seem to end. We’ll move to a place that brings success rather than a focus on the negatives. Let’s start by looking at what a breakthrough entails.
In This Article
Thoughts About a Breakthrough
A breakthrough doesn’t have to be the total absence of things keeping you down. Rather, it is the presence of a change or new steps added. It’s possible to have a breakthrough without completely alleviating something that is holding you back.
Achieving success in a new way requires doing something differently.
Sometimes, a new view, mindset, or different drive can change everything. This also helps improve the longevity of success when breaking through. It increases your confidence moving forward. (Personal growth quotes are also beneficial.)
When you feel stuck, realize that either you can budge, or the obstacle that’s bogging you down gets the victory. Sometimes a little nudge can make the difference to get the ball rolling. Grand gestures or giant efforts don’t have to be where we start.

10 Steps for Breakthrough Success
Actual steps for finding a breakthrough will be different for each of us depending on the specifics of the situation. Another point that changes each circumstance is your personality and personal drive.
Rather than assume that each encounter is alike, we’ll look at ideas that pertain to most situations. If each of these don’t weigh in every time, at least some of them should help propel you forward.
1. Mindset
This is number one for a reason. Over time, we have discussed the importance of your mindset in every situation. Optimism is key when it comes to taking steps. You can’t always get it right, and that’s fine.
It’s important to realize that you might be the worst enemy to your progress by having a sour mindset. The right view, and staying balanced within it, can create space for victory where you have felt burdened and burned out.
2. Self-Regulation
Here’s another great point about moving through a stale spot. Too often we wait on things to happen. Or we even rely on specific next steps or become dependent on a desired outcome. It’s not uncommon to crash and burn with this viewpoint because you can only control your own portion.
Self-regulation comes when we look at our own space and contributions for a breakthrough. Try not to remain reactive by only staying in a “waiting” posture. Take control of your own destiny. Using declarations for clarity is a great way to take forward steps.
3. Assess Where You’ve Been
It’s true that we often turn from difficulty or run from the past when we want to forget things. However, for a breakthrough we need to remember what didn’t work. As time goes by, it’s easy to overlook lessons you might have already learned. In addition, you may not have spent time focused on understanding growth from unsuccessful steps.
There’s something to be learned from every point where you felt like you didn’t make the right choices or have a victory. Use that as fuel to propel you through an unsure mindset. Reflection is an excellent tool to use when you feel stuck.
4. Planning
It’s not uncommon to think or assume that things will pan out a particular way. This is often the culprit when you feel stuck. It goes back to waiting on the right outcome or hoping things might work out on their own. Even if you didn’t set goals before the process, it’s never too late to begin.
In addition, plans can change. If you have an idea of what might work, and it doesn’t, you may want to rethink the original plan. Don’t stick with it at all costs. Goals help keep you and anyone else involved on track.
5. Strategy
This idea works closely with planning. Strategy involves the steps to meet your goals or see the plan to fruition. This is a very important place to consider flexibility when needed. Rather than assume nothing can change in your original plan, be willing to pivot. This simply involves changing directions if something isn’t working.
When you’re tied to a certain way of doing things, you hinder the process and often your outcome. Staying open-minded as the situation develops helps you recognize successful strategies.

6. Think Outside the Box
All too often we decide that comfort is important when we’re taking steps toward a plan or in a situation. Comfort can be a killer of progress. Rather than keeping a narrow mindset, broaden your horizons, and think outside the box. The more you practice this, the easier, and even more enjoyable, it becomes.
This practice creates ideas that you’ve never thought possible. It can even help you realize how to get ahead. In addition, if you are struggling with an original idea that isn’t pushing for breakthrough, consult others. They can be a great source of motivation.
7. Renew your Commitment
With the right tools, you can become more confident. Once you understand that being stuck isn’t where you’ll stay, re-commit to having success. It’s easy to feel like you’re drowning, or that no one cares, when things aren’t working out.
With busyness, burden, and burn out come defeat. Instead of allowing your mindset to wander into this realm, be proactive about setting fresh commitment to your journey. It will do wonders for your esteem and confidence.
8. Take Action Steps
This point is intertwined within several of the others that have been mentioned. When we take action steps, it is a purposeful choice. Instead of meandering around and waiting on things to happen, you can choose to be filled with intention.
With this outlook comes movement. Each step we’ve looked at prior to this sets you up for successful action steps. There’s something bold about making a dynamic choice.
9. Consistent and Persistent
Once you have the right mindset, view of the situation, and commit to action, you want to stay the course. When creating a breakthrough, you understand that success is often directly related to your choices and steps. This is a concept successful leaders understand.
Persistence pays off in this case. Once you have decided on a good action plan and strategy, don’t back down from the things that cause you holdups. It happens. Pushing forward and staying consistent on the path comes from a powerful view of ability. Keep believing.
10. Be Patient
In our “want it now” culture, it’s important to realize that not every breakthrough happens immediately. Even with best intentions, a good mindset, strong plans and actions steps, there’s often a delay in the outcome. If you realize that you’ve taken correct steps, but don’t see immediate gratification, try to be patient.
This is one of the most challenging parts of wanting a breakthrough. It’s even harder if you need something to happen fast. However, getting ahead of yourself, or altering the situation solely on this mindset, can create greater challenges in the future. Be patient and stay consistent instead of making aimless decisions and changes.

5 Points to Avoid for a Breakthrough
We’ve looked at ideas that will help create success for a breakthrough. On the flip side, there are points you want to avoid. These are sure ways to get lost in the process and feel consumed by the situation.
Being stuck in a circumstance creates difficulties in our mindset and even emotions. Study these five points that you should avoid when looking for a breakthrough.
1. Don’t Assume the Outcome
When you are waiting on movement or a next step to be revealed, it’s important not to assume you know what will happen. When this takes place, you’re walking with blinders. This creates many limitations and distractions from what is potentially available. We can quickly block off pathways and stay stuck when assuming that the outcome is merely what we think. Instead, consider the endless possibilities.
2. Don’t Be Fearful
This is much easier said than done. However, there’s truth to it. Fear is one of the biggest killers of dreams and goals. Fear is often the sole culprit of staleness and being unable to find a breakthrough. It might take small steps, or motivational mindsets and affirmations, but squashing fear creates room for success. There’s never a good time to allow fear to take control. Realizing the truth about emotions helps conquer this issue.
3. Don’t Give Up
A seemingly obvious statement, but this is a common outcome in our world. This often stems from lack of encouragement during a lifetime or from those around us. Even if you’ve had others cheering you on, it’s easy to want something different or give up when the going gets tough.
Rather than assume you need to make a correction, or abandon the idea altogether, regroup. Reassess your commitment and the process to find more than what has been presented. Make a choice to challenge yourself. Even stepping back for a break is feasible. But pushing forward is a must for breakthrough.
4. Don't Compare
This is another killer of success and forward propulsion. With how connected everyone currently is, there are many avenues available to compare yourself to others. Whether you feel like you’re missing out, not capable, not as fortunate, or just unlucky, these sentiments create a very negative and defeating mindset.
Although something may seem to be true, things aren’t always what they seem. Rather than get hung up on what you wish could be, or feel deflated because you can’t have the same result, make the decision to stop comparing yourself to others.
You were made special and gifted in your own ways. If we were all the same, there would be no variety in the world. What a boring place that would be! Your differences and uniqueness are what you should use as movement for a breakthrough.
5. Don’t Rely on One Method
We’ve mentioned that it’s important to be open-minded to change when you feel stuck. This pertains especially when there’s burn out involved. Sometimes it’s hard to look too far ahead or have the energy or intention to shift. When this is the case, try a little pivot. Sometimes the smallest adjustment can initiate breakthrough. Review the steps above and find just a few that might propel you into a new space. Create a little wiggle room for a change.
Final Points About Finding a Breakthrough
When thinking about times you’ve been busy, burdened, or burned out, we realize the common threads are feeling stale and lacking energy. It might feel impossible to make an adjustment, or especially to assume success is coming.
We’ve addressed several ideas that can be applied during periods of feeling stuck. These create breathing room and propel you into action steps for victory.
The daily grind takes its toll. Rather than get sucked into the minefield when calculating every choice, begin to use tools to move yourself into a more proactive stance.
More breathing room comes with this space, in addition to new mindsets and successful outcomes. It’s possible, and you can find rest and even breakthrough from feeling busy, burdened, and burned out.