Those in leadership are rewarded with higher salaries and recognition. We look to managers for guidance, understanding, and even to be uplifted. This view is common when considering the structure at any company and for most jobs.
However, we often give away power to others and assume we don’t have much to offer. Why do we act as though we aren’t capable of contribution? This mindset creates challenges for personal growth.
While it’s important to acknowledge authority at work and in necessary encounters, you should also embrace the power that you bring to each situation. This is not meant to promote an uprising against responsibility, but it’s a call to encourage you to recognize your worth in every circumstance.
Depending on the power of your mindset, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and continue the daily grind without considering what you contribute. Instead, let’s look at how a different mindset can change your daily encounters in an important way.
Maybe you don’t need insight into this topic, but many people find themselves mindlessly addressing their day feeling burdened and burned out. Those that get lost in the busy-ness of life could benefit from these points.
In This Article
A Closer Look at Leaders, Managers, and Influencers
We’re talking about our role as leaders, managers, and influencers. Sometimes, there is disinterest in the extra responsibility. Maybe you specifically decide not to get involved in areas that create oversight.
It’s not uncommon to spend time around others we view as leaders, managers, or influencers and never put ourselves in any of the categories. The truth is that you’re likely already operating in one of these categories, if not all of them.
We label these titles based on groups, crowds, or large numbers that are overseen. However, mindset is the root of this rather than how many and when you supervise.
An easy example is a parent. In this position, you are a leader, manager, and an influencer. Your “job” can sometimes be thankless. Instead of receiving compensation or an official title, you might often feel overlooked and unappreciated. It’s challenging to be a healthy mom.
This can be the case in numerous areas, no matter what title or identifier you use. It’s easy for us to feel insignificant or unnoticed. This can promote a mindset that we need to be led by others and don’t have the ability to step out.
Maybe you have the desire to lead but have not officially been given a title or compensation. Depending on your mindset, this can discourage you from fully recognizing your abilities.
One key step to turn this around is the right mindset focus. We will break down the ideas in this process.
The goal is to see each area through your own powerful lens with a mindset to embrace them all.
As you read the descriptions, identify areas that you already operate in these realms.
When considering the role of a leader, we look at those that assist others.
Taking charge of moving people forward is characteristic of a leader. They promote action.
In addition, leaders encourage others to recognize their abilities.
A leader increases confidence in those around them and is often said to be an inspiration.
A manager is someone that is in charge of things. This might be events, activities, departments, techniques, or even circumstances that take place.
This person supervises a situation and helps others understand what role they play.
A manager also motivates others for desire to complete the intended activities.
Managers can recognize greatness and identify those that excel at their roles.
An influencer is someone that others have identified as knowledgeable or taking charge of a particular subject.
This person has excellent insight or understanding in an area, or more than one.
This could be a specialty or something that others may not have experienced.
An influencer can sway an audience with their knowledge.
They might even be considered an authority in a certain area.

Maintaining the Correct View
We’re looking at how mindset is crucial in the way you view each area of your life.
This is a powerful tactic in giving attention to situations rather than rolling through them without much thought. Daily intentions are a great way to increase and maintain your focus.
After reviewing the terms leader, manager, and influencer, note that each description pertains to someone “in charge.”
Think about your family, children, friends, co-workers, neighbors, environment, etc. Review your role in each situation and how you contribute. It takes intentionality to recognize your importance rather than operating from a passive view, but it can create better understanding of your abilities.
A main point to embrace is that you do not need a title, compensation, or even the support of others to be a leader, manager, or influencer.
It’s easy to overlook this mindset because we usually see defined organizational structures. It is expected with employment, volunteering, and most places there are groups of people to oversee. See this article for some points for parenting.
We often assume these are legitimate vs. places where we lead every day.
While structure is necessary, and we do respect authority, it’s also vital to recognize your abilities, contributions, and knowledge.
This is not only the case when looking to advance but is important each day.
Let’s look at action steps that can lead to recognizing your role as a leader, manager, and influencer.
We’ve mentioned that mindset is key. One point of focus is optimism.
Having the right view with each encounter can change insight into your capabilities.
When we feel overwhelmed or stressed, it’s easy to operate from a place of frustration and with a disgruntled attitude. An optimistic mindset can change that.
One important idea that helps you accomplish this is realizing the difference between positivity and optimism.
Optimism allows room for recognition that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, but you can keep control of your mindset.
This also creates space for identifying areas where you are a leader.
Instead of assuming your abilities aren’t relevant, or waiting on others, try moving forward with an optimistic approach and embrace your steps.
A renewed mindset can promote satisfaction in areas of your life where burn out has taken over.
Once you begin changing your view, try approaching things with more confidence.
It’s easy to listen to others, judge your abilities based on comparisons, or simply assume you can’t accomplish something. Instead, use an optimistic focus to believe in yourself.
Consider your strengths, areas you feel comfortable, and places where you might be ready to branch out.
Even small steps are steps. Remind yourself that you are capable especially in situations where you usually walk mindlessly. Take note of these and attempt more intentionality by believing that you can complete the tasks.
Often, we view effortless activities that we have been in for years as useless or unimportant.
On the contrary, a new mindset with optimism and confidence helps you realize that you could be an influencer.
In addition, you’re likely already a leader or manager by helping others, teaching, and demonstrating.
Don’t let the repeated areas of your life become drab or boring. Instead, view them with a renewed mindset. Often, new angles appear, and great ideas are born!
Optimism and confidence naturally lead to a curiosity for what’s next. This could be desired accomplishments, goals, or any next step action.
Better groundwork for your outlook creates a solid foundation for new views all around.
Just as we saw that you are already a leader, manager, or influencer, it’s important to recognize the importance of how this affects your outlook.
Once you assess your abilities and how they’re used, build possibilities into your next steps. Even if it’s not yet obvious how this looks, stay open-minded.
With new realizations often come new opportunities.
Stay optimistic even if it doesn’t appear that there’s room for growth.
When your mindset is strong, situations can change. Things that kept you bored, burdened, or burned out can take on a new view.

When Things Get Hard
Once you embrace your abilities, even if there’s no evident next step, a strong mindset helps you maintain the right view each day.
When circumstances take your time and attention, keeping a powerful mindset—with an optimistic view and confidence in your abilities—can help soften the blow of these distractions.
Whether you’re already a successful leader, or have newly discovered your role, a process for coping is necessary.
Mindfulness and a spiritual focus are ways you can combat the battles that you face.
This is especially important in areas where you’re a leader to family, friends, co-workers, or those in your sphere of influence.
Sometimes, these can be the most difficult areas to find rest. Those around you can easily drain your resources by taking time, attention, and energy without realizing it or intending to.
In addition, our closest relationships are often where we struggle with setting boundaries. This can leave you wondering how to get ahead, operate well, or how to be a positive influence.
Give Yourself a Break
While it’s easy to realize that nobody’s perfect, it’s harder for us to apply it. We are quick to judge our own actions, decisions, and steps. We are often degrading when it comes to assessing our abilities and choices.
As you’ve identified areas where you’re a leader, manager, or influencer, it’s easy to sometimes have a critical view of your abilities.
Along with the obvious notion that no one is perfect, remember that you’re learning.
Being a parent, sibling, or having a family doesn’t come with an instruction manual.
Even if a particular leadership position does have guidelines or instructions, give yourself a break. The reality is that it was written by someone else, and expectations are not always easily met.
Do your best and stay optimistic. Not every step will end well but learning along the way is an important part of the process.
Giving yourself a break can be addressed literally, as well as figuratively.
You need to be intentional in taking a break. Resting your mind, regrouping, and even taking a few minutes out of the daily grind can make a difference.
Look at the Big Picture
It’s easy to keep your head down and struggle along. It often feels like this focus is necessary to maintain the path we need to take.
However, it’s important to look up and out across the horizon also. When we only stay focused on what is in our immediate vicinity, we may miss what is beyond and waiting to propel us forward.
We easily forget to look up when managing our time, finances, household, bills, and schedules.
It’s easy to get stuck in one or more of these areas especially when things are difficult. However, it’s important to keep a focus on the bigger picture. A look at only one area can leave detrimental gaps in the others.
As leaders and managers, we should practice a well-rounded approach in various areas of our lives. Try staying optimistic if something seems difficult. Be confident in your abilities and that it will work out.
Remember, the answer doesn’t always have to be the one you expect.
How we react to challenges is part of the influence we have on those around us. Setting a good example is important.
No matter if you’re single, married, a parent, or the CEO of a company, situations that require your leadership, management, and influence will arise. How you handle them sets the stage for other situations that are to come.
Remember Past Successes
This is a terrific technique when you are trying to figure out next steps or even need a pick-me-up.
If you have journaled your past successes, it becomes easier to recall times that you view as accomplishments.
There’s no time like the present to begin journaling if you haven’t in the past. It can be as simple as you make it if you’re only desire is to record your successes.
This is a great practice to allow visualization of areas you consider achievements, especially when you need a boost moving forward.
One mindset that should be avoided is assuming you’ve never had a success.
When thinking back over your role as a leader, manager, or influencer, even the smallest victories should be considered.
For example, if you’re a parent, recalling times when your children were successful directly reflects your abilities.
If you are single and managing life, recall the times you were able to pay bills in a timely manner. Maintaining a household creates success as you manage other parts of your life.
There are numerous examples we can reflect on that remind us of our achievements.
Don’t be picky when considering these. Use successes readily and generously when reviewing your steps.
Final Thoughts about Our Abilities
We’ve addressed the importance of a powerful mindset when focusing on steps in leadership and those that encompass management.
It’s important to realize what your role is in areas of your life, even those that may not seem to carry much weight.
During the daily grind, it’s easy to overlook certain circumstances due to feeling busy and burned out. When you’re overwhelmed, things can quickly become skewed. This creates distractions.
With the right steps and outlook, you can become more successful as a leader, manager, and influencer. When you learn to recognize and embrace these roles—even during your personal time—it creates more opportunities.