Overview of Healthy Moms
Being a mom is one of the most rewarding and sometimes frustrating situations. Being a healthy mom is an authentic challenge.
Motherhood doesn’t only pertain to the ones that carried a child for nine months. It is a club for those that have experienced time enhancing a child’s life. Many people with a variety of titles have taken on this role. The one thing we have in common is that none of us feel like we get it right every time.
In a matter of moments situations swing from encouraging and successful to difficult and frustrating. There’s even a result of heartbreak in our encounters.
With so much of our time and energy poured into these little beings, it’s easy to quickly become drained and feel defeated. Especially for new moms, days can feel overwhelming and run together.
Find inspiration and solace in the fact that you’re going to make it. With the right tools you’ll even thrive.
We’re going to look at 13 ways to embrace motherhood while maintaining—and even increasing—your wellness. Every aspect of your being is involved so it’s important not to overlook the whole picture.
Just as with overall wellness, being a healthy mom involves assessing your mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness. As we look at each area, remember that balance is key.
In This Article
1. Believe in Your Role
One of our missteps is to compare or judge our mommy skills against others. When this occurs, it quickly dissolves many of the aspects that once were seen as positive. This creates gaps in your mindset. You may even negate your own abilities, and what you once thought of as successful is replaced with criticism.
Comparisons cause a negative approach because they initiate self-doubt. One point to take into consideration is that no two people are alike. This means that your child is not like your friend’s child; nor are you the same as your friend. What might work for them is not necessarily the best approach or idea for your household.
When you embrace and believe in your own role as a mom, your family will be better for it. After spending time, and putting in the hours around your kids, you know them better than anyone. It’s a mental aspect and approach. Believing in your role is a choice.
In this realm, you can’t wait for the feeling that you “have it all figured out.” You’ll never find that. Reminding yourself now that you’re capable, and that your family is not the enemy to your peace, helps create a safer space. For everyone. See this article on some points for parenting.
2. Exercise, Eat Well, and Hydrate
This may seem redundant since we hear it for all aspects of our physical wellness. But there’s a reason for that.
As common sense as these points should be, many people, especially mothers, overlook them. The reason is often based on time. Most moms will report a daily lack of time. Grabbing junk food on the run, not exercising, and poor hydration can contribute to lack of energy and self-deprivation.
The best thing you can do is change something that will help contribute to the needed attention for these steps. You know better than anyone where this may be lacking in your own life. Don’t shy away or think you’ll change it later. Especially if you’re a new mom.
Make a point to take the steps. It’s not only for you, but also for your children. You are a constant teacher and leader to them. They watch everything you do, even when you don’t realize it. Spending a few extra minutes hydrating, meal planning, and even moving your body are great examples that show your kids better intentions.
Rather than becoming overwhelmed with these changes, involve your kids. Make it a challenge and focus for family wellness. You can hold each other accountable. Your children will enjoy being a part of the solution.
3. Recognize Feeling Overwhelmed
There are many feelings that come with being a mom. They range from joy to pride and can even sink into frustration at times. Your emotional wellness is a large part of your success as a mother.
It’s not uncommon for mothers to face struggles—sometimes daily—that create negativity and feelings of concern or failure. These sentiments quickly taint your actions and reactions and cause difficult situations with kids and in families.
It’s important to lean in when these situations are present and find a solution. New moms especially should monitor their feelings and seek help if any issue is suspected.
In addition, we realize that feeling overwhelmed is a real. This readily comes from spreading your time too thin. We feel coaxed to involve our kids in many things, help when requested, and over commit to multiple situations.
Although we don’t seek to mimic parenting traits for our kids, finding support in others is a great way to walk this journey together. There is some truth in the saying “it takes a village.”
If friends or other family members are not the best source for sharing emotions and gaining insight, there are several others. It isn’t difficult to find online support groups. In addition, you can seek out helpful hacks for shortening your timelines. These can be a great source of relief when you’re not sure how to approach a task.
Remember though, your family is unique. This information should only be a guideline, not a replacement, for your efforts.

4. Find Alone Time
This is one of the most challenging points, but there’s a reason it’s included. It likely takes seeking time to make this happen. It’s uncommon that you will naturally have ample time alone daily unless your kids nap, or you stay at home.
In any case, finding time to deem as your own is necessary. If this isn’t a challenge for you then take advantage of it. But if so, even 15 minutes a day can make a difference in your health as a mom.
You can use this time to lean into your spiritual wellness. It can grant you more energy, clarity, and guidance for your motherhood journey. Understanding that you are a part of a greater whole allows room for acceptance of imperfection. When our expectations are so high that they can’t possibly be met, we often slide into a mindset of failure.
Spending time with a mindful focus gives you peace that helps your daily steps. This must be intentional, and takes practice, but can be an enormous benefit. It often gives you a chance to take a breath. A concept that is often missed as you rush through the other aspects of your day.
5. Play with Your Kids
While your time as a mom is often spent socializing with other parents, you should spend intentional time with your children also. This action has become less apparent with kids spending more time on devices and in front of screens. Staying in touch with realistic guidelines is beneficial to your social wellness.
It’s easy for a mom to give a child numerous “distractions” and keep them busy when there’s a need. However, this practice can quickly become a habitual approach that encourages not only less physical activity, but more attention to a skewed reality. There are times when we need help and don’t have a sitter; however, making this a habit should be avoided.
Try some time socializing with your children. Making time for your kids increases their social wellness and models correct behaviors and motivation.
As you choose them, it creates confidence in the relationship and changes their view of time with you. It will likely make them more comfortable coming to you and even with communication.
6. Pick Your Battles
We’ve looked at 5 parts of your wellness that should be addressed to be a healthy mom, and we’ll continue the focus. Once you understand the aspects of your wellness, it takes making better choices to create success in that space.
One point is to choose wisely when focusing your attention. It’s not uncommon for children to be frustrated and have many “wants.” There may even be attitudes and disagreements involved in these situations. It can be draining.
No matter the efforts we make, it takes time to reshape behaviors in our kids. While this is taking place, pick your battles intentionally. It’s not possible to always succeed in finding a remedy for each circumstance. Rather than trying to control every area, decide which are the most vital to approach.
This mindset keeps the peace instead of promoting difficulties. As a mom, you are aware when a situation brings danger or detriment to your child. If an issue doesn’t create these problems, then consider changing your view and the outcome. Leave some space for changing your mind and lean more toward your child’s desire.
Especially as your kids approach teenage years, they seek more independence. Allowing them to “win” sometimes promotes a sense of success. It also paints the picture of an understanding and approachable mother.

7. Find Humor in Things
This point doesn’t require much explanation but is an important one. Living life drab and serious isn’t healthy. Finding humor and increasing laughter helps your health according to SelectHealth.
Laughing is a normal way of life for most kids. They are light-hearted and haven’t yet experienced the weights of the world. As adults, we have many responsibilities including those for our children.
Using humor is a great way to improve many aspects of your life. Busy moms can benefit from humor for relieving stress, increasing healthy minds and emotions, and creating bonds with kids. It might take intentional steps in the beginning if you’re not used to this view. However, encouraging these steps with your children helps them too.
Creating ways to laugh together shows your kids that seriousness isn’t always the course. Having fun is important and healthy. Seeking wellness is how your children learn the best methods from a young age.
8. Be Willing to Learn from Your Kids
Our children can remind us of many things that we’ve allowed distractions to interrupt. Being child-like disappears with all the necessary responsibilities we take on as adults. Doing something that your kids challenge you with brings up ways to let go for a while.
Also, spend a few moments throughout the day listening to your child when they don’t know you’re paying attention. It’s a great way to learn more about their interests but also to remember how to unwind.
In addition, you can give them room to “teach” you things that interest them and that they want to show you. This increases their confidence but also gives you opportunity to motivate them to be more self-assured. Over time, this creates space for your kids to become more independent. View some meaningful messages for mom shared by their children.
9. Don't Be Afraid to Say “No”
This is likely one of the best lessons you can learn as a mom. The sooner you resolve to the fact that you can’t possibly do it all, the earlier you’ll find better health.
We are continuously approached by groups, schools, coaches, and many others to get involved. Volunteering in these realms is an expected occurrence and doesn’t make motherhood any easier. The challenges increase when we include all the aspects our families need. Compound that with work efforts, and it becomes the perfect storm for frustration.
You may feel stretched thin and unable to complete anything in a whole manner. This promotes negative emotions of inability and failure.
Before circumstances reach this level, it’s vital to assess your needs and stance for health. If you are involved in some things, but can’t participate in all, don’t hesitate to say “no” when asked.
As pleasers, this isn’t a natural response for many, and it takes practice. However, moving in this direction is better in the long run. Once you begin to embrace your inability to fix everything—and be there every time—you’ll be on a healthier path.
The challenge often stems more from what we’re afraid others think than involving our own steps. Shedding this fear is a necessary part of your wellness journey as a mother.

10. Get Enough Sleep
We’ve touched on several physical aspects for healthy moms but it’s important to also mention getting enough sleep. Along with exercise, eating well, and hydration, getting enough rest is vital to your wellness.
Our days are jam packed with everything from working to making dinner. There isn’t much time to stop. During the day your mind is running constantly, and your emotions are up and down. Those points alone can be tiring, but add in other responsibilities, and it’s exhausting.
If not sleeping well, fatigue can create difficulty in your next day choices and actions. This will hinder many aspects of your day. Taking intentional action to promote good sleep helps with clarity and patience. You owe it to yourself and your family to stay healthy.
While it can be challenging, creating a sleep plan is beneficial. This might be as simple as committing to a bedtime each night and setting an alarm as a reminder. Just as you focus on a time to start your day, ending it early enough for ample sleep is important.
11. Lead by Example
An overall mindset to be a strong example to your kids is important. This intention creates a road for healthy moms and increases the wellness of your children.
Since they’re already watching all you do, showing them good reactions and healthy behaviors is important. It’s also a great way to increase focus and find your own successful steps. Allow your kids to be accountability partners in your journey. You’ll all be better for it.
Focus on pausing in situations rather than reacting emotionally. You can also model how to make choices when having a dilemma. Teaching your kids to be kind in the face of adversity is a lifelong character trait that develops. In addition, motivating your children is part of your influence on them.
There are many instances that allow opportunities daily for us to be a great example to our kids. Take advantage of them.
12. Plan and Organize
Just as with businesses or organizations, it’s important to have a plan for your family. This helps with discipline methods, views, and when you have difficult decisions to make. As an overview, it’s good to be prepared rather than wait until you need to take steps each time.
As you take on the roles of chauffer, chef, housekeeper, nurse, etc., planning is important. It should be applied to everyday movement. Keeping calendars updated and making everyone aware of what’s going on is a good way to promote health for moms. Don’t take on the burden alone. Allow your family to participate.
Staying organized not only teaches your kids the tactic, but it creates good time management. Begin by using a to-do list, calendars, and discussing needs with your kids. Have them help you remember their upcoming events.
Hold your children accountable to participation in organizing the system. They may bring some great ideas to the table. By discussing it, they realize the importance of leaning in to planning and organizing.

13. Reflect on Your Day
We’ve mentioned taking time out of the day to address your spiritual wellness and even to find a breather. In addition, having a few moments at the end of each day for reflection makes room for you to understand what went well and what needs to be changed.
One important view to take is what you want to do differently the next day. This assessment is how you increase character and become the person you desire to be. Change requires realization of the situation first. Otherwise, you continue the same views over and over.
Take a few moments to journal prior to bedtime. Make this part of the sleep routine you set. Jot down one thing you did well and one thing you intend to change. If you have more time, use it for other points.
This promotes the use of daily intentions and can bring about greater health. It takes a little effort but is well worth it.
Final Thoughts for Healthy Moms
Being a mom is one of the most rewarding yet toughest jobs. Success means finding ways to stay healthy in the many realms you face. These efforts increase your wellness and allow a boost in your daily steps.
The pointers we discussed may not be possible every day. But each chance you have to focus on them brings better balance into your life. The goal is to take every moment as it comes and embrace your role knowing you are one of a kind.