15 Ways to Make it Through Tough Times

Tough Times Words as Theme



Even when life is going great, we know it’s only a matter of time before something takes place that can change it all. Since we can’t give up, we must find a way to make it through tough times.

Circumstances can turn quickly and occasionally cause an obvious need for healing. Some examples may be death of a loved one or friend, loss of employment or belongings, or even a breach of relationship.

These are only a few examples of tough times that can wreak havoc on our peace. Besides earth shattering events, sometimes everyday occurrences create tough times as well. We’ll look at some ways to combat these issues.

Depending on what you’re facing, you can use any or all these points to help you make it through tough times.

In This Article

1. Be Realistic

During a crisis, we have a gamut of thoughts and emotions. These are different for each of us. Since reality is formed in our minds, there are a variety of ways that it can be seen. However, what we’ll focus on is the idea that your reality isn’t one dimensional nor does it stay in a single lane.

There is duality in much of what we experience. For example, you might feel strong love toward someone but also get angry at them. Or you may feel upset about something that took place but realize that your overall life is pretty good. A realistic mindset helps you accept that you will have different emotions and views when trying to cope and overcome.

Paying attention to these is healthy. Although it’s fine to realize that you have different emotions/thoughts, it’s also good to take captive those that might become a detriment. This is a helpful action step when dealing with tough times.

2. Find an Outlet

While there are several ideas that we can use as outlets, finding at least one activity or hobby is a great way to cope during tough times. An outlet isn’t only to temporarily take your mind off the situation, but it creates a beneficial way for you to release stress.

Anything that comes to mind as a hobby or enjoyable activity can be used as an outlet. Depending on how weighted your difficulty is, you might find it challenging to redirect your view. But it’s necessary to allow for mental breaks and have something in place to achieve this step. Whatever you personally enjoy is a great first choice.

3. Understand Time

There is a saying which insinuates that time heals our wounds. This isn’t necessarily true. Although passing time allows for coping during tough times, there is not total healing that comes from it.

Rather than assume that time itself is the remedy, understand that length of time from a circumstance can give you opportunity for a different perspective. When a wound is fresh, we’re less likely to have the ability to think objectively.

So, while time does not create ways to overcome our tough times, it helps us have a better outlook. Remember that the situation will get easier but don’t expect that to be the case immediately.

4. Get in the Sunshine

There is scientific proof behind this point. It’s well documented that sunshine helps with mood and health. We’re not talking sunbathing but spending a little time in or near sunshine. (Even staying in the shade allows a boost with mental health.)

Vitamin D is a benefit of sunshine and can create better wellness. Other benefits run the gamut from improving immunity and blood pressure, to strengthening your bones. These are dependent on several points, but overall, in the scope we’re addressing, improved mood is one that has the greatest impact.

Although not as powerful as the sun, light therapy can also create enhanced mood. This is ultraviolet-free light that can be used indoors. It has specific coloring and brightness for optimal effect.

Woman and Boy with Pet

5. Let Animals Love You

If you have allergies or don’t enjoy being around animals, then this point may not be as helpful. However, if you’re a pet owner or can borrow a friend’s dog, consider pet therapy.

This is another scientifically proven method for enhancing your mood. It’s important to find the right animal (if it’s not your own), that will create a safe space for an enjoyable experience. Make sure you are comfortable with and can handle the animal.

Using sense of touch with animal fur can create a mindful situation that brings about greater mood enhancement. It can even create a memory to use later for recall with relaxation techniques. Also, enjoying the love a furry pet shares is a wonderful way to feel less lonely or anxious.

6. Socialize with Others

Although socializing might not be your first reaction when working through a tough time, it’s important not to spend extensive time alone. We all cope differently, but even if your preference is flying solo, it’s still good to consider being around others.

If you’re not intentionally interacting with other people, it can sometimes be helpful just to be around them. Even being in a public place changes your view and setting. Also, there is the benefit of communicating with others. Whether it’s with a professional or a friend, leaning on someone for support helps take the load from you.

7. Get Plenty of Rest

In this discussion, rest is not the same as sleep. While it’s important to get plenty of quality sleep, resting is taking time to be still when you feel it’s necessary.

Some examples of resting might be laying on the couch, taking a short break at your desk, or even lounging in the bed. Although you aren’t taking a long nap, or sleeping for the night, you’re allowing your body time to unwind. Listen to your body. You’ll know when this is needed and would be beneficial.

8. Have a Healthy Focus

In addition to maintaining a restful focus, it’s equally important to consider your physical health. Two ways to do this are with adequate hydration and eating well.

Too often, an issue during crisis involves a lack of desire to eat. The focus in this discussion isn’t to lecture about specific foods. Instead, it’s a reminder to eat enough during your tough times. (Eating too much or too little often accompanies stressful times.)

As mentioned, hydration is also important. It helps with multiple functions in the body, and even contributes to better sleep.

Women Gardening to Stay Active

9. Stay Active

This is another great point when trying to make it through tough times. It’s not necessary to consider a workout when talking about activity. Using any type of movement encourages a better mindset.

Some examples might include gardening, walking, swimming, or hiking. The goal is to keep your body active rather than getting too still. This releases hormones that improve your overall wellness.

10. Use Relaxation Techniques

There are several relaxation techniques that can be helpful when you feel the stress of coping during tough times. One of the easiest is to train yourself in breathing techniques.

While there are different options, one is deep breathing. The main point of this is to make the intentional choice for relaxation. It creates the action of focusing on mindfulness of your breaths. It slows down shallow breathing that might be taking place.

Some other relaxation techniques include meditation, listening to music, and doing yoga.

11. Focus on Others

During a time when you’re distracted and have negative emotions, it’s possible to redirect your thoughts by doing something kind for others. It’s not difficult to find a thoughtful and intentional act to perform.

This doesn’t have to be volunteering or joining a group of people, it can simply involve something you notice and decide to do. That might mean being helpful to a neighbor, mentoring a child, or even performing a single act of kindness. The possibilities are endless. This action has been scientifically proven to release hormones that create a joyful mindset and is beneficial when going through a tough time.

12. Reboot Your Mind

Even if you don’t readily lean into actions that help reboot your thoughts, try to be intentional during tough times. Make a choice to see things differently. This takes discipline, and can be easily overtaken, but redirecting your thoughts to choose optimism is a great step.

Remember, optimism says there’s room for error and things don’t have to be perfect. This is opposed to positivity which promotes the concept that you fail if a positive mindset isn’t maintained.

Rebooting takes practice. But part of what changes your mindset is a focus on gratitude. Try recognizing the capabilities you have that can help move you towards greater outcomes.

Man Overlooking Sunset for Spirituality

13. Spirituality

This topic always creates much debate. Spirituality for many involves belief in God and Heaven. This view allows the realization that there is someone greater involved, and that you can be faithful to upcoming change.

A focus on faith tells us that when one door closes another door opens. If plans are orchestrated by someone who wants what’s best for us, it’s easier to believe that the tough times you’re in are a lesson and that you will come out the other side.

Other points of spirituality can be utilized as well. Basically, it involves the belief that we are part of something bigger. This allows the mindset that we’re not ganged up on or down and out. Things can and will change.

14. Look at the Big Picture

Much like spirituality, this concept creates the challenge to see past what is immediately in front of you. This can be difficult when we feel encompassed by turmoil or negativity.
However, take time in the situation to look beyond what is troubling you. With an intentional mind shift to accept that things will not go on forever, you can begin to overcome the negativity and gain wisdom.

Sometimes, this becomes more foundational with assistance of others. A voice of reason, or someone who helps you gain an alternate view can be beneficial. Discovering your ability to seek a different outlook is what creates success with this point.

15. Be Kind to Yourself

Overall, a variety of steps can be used to create optimism during tough times. Even still, the task at hand isn’t simple by any means. Sometimes it even changes day-to-day depending on the weight of the situation.

With this understanding, it’s important to give yourself a break. Even when surrounded by others on the same journey, don’t compare yourself to them. Judging how you think your steps should go is a surefire way to feel let down if it doesn’t happen. Instead, be kind to yourself and realize that you’re walking through something difficult. It’s fine to do it your way.

Final Thoughts on Making it Through Tough Times

We’ve looked at 15 ways to make forward progress during tough times. These can be used simultaneously or individually depending on your mindset during the journey. Each of us is different and there is no perfectly correct way to handle a critical situation.

One point to remember is that your mind is very powerful and can propel you into a variety of emotions. A dichotomy is when opposite points exist together. This creates a roller coaster effect. It’s important to recognize when this is happening and attempt to take control rather than allowing things to go off track.

Although we face turmoil, we’re often stronger than we realize. Remember that you’re capable and armed for the fight. You’ll discover the strength to make it by using these ways of coping during tough times.

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15 Ways to Make it Through Tough Times

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