When asked if they believe in God, scores of people aren’t afraid to tell you they don’t. Some have no specific reason other than it seems weird to turn to a giant puppet master in the sky. Others have been hurt in the past by religion or once believed but have since turned away. Some say they “never have and never will” believe.
Increased numbers of youth are declaring disbelief in a higher power or that there is anything real associated with God. Simply that there’s no basis or merit for a discussion.
Although numbers are rising, it’s not a new concept for people to lack belief in God or negate the story that accompanies Him. First, we’ll look at some common reasons for not believing. Later, we’ll address thoughts from believers who have confidence in His existence.
In This Article
Reasons People Don’t Believe
Every belief is an individual mindset. It’s no different for this belief. Although easily persuaded at times, the final decision is your own. There are numerous reasons that could keep you from believing in God. Let’s look at some of the most common.
Emotions have wreaked havoc since the beginning of time. Literally.
Two common thoughts that swirl and create emotional decisions are misunderstanding and accountability. We often run from what we don’t understand. In addition, when you feel inadequate, you don’t want the pressure of accountability nor someone reminding you that you are a failure over and over. Or so it seems.
Once your thought process turns toward reasoning based on these concepts you might be afraid of God or have shame about things you have done. It’s not uncommon to judge yourself based on previous or current actions and assume you don’t have a place with God.
Pride is an emotion that keeps you from believing. It is a close cousin to shame and creates space for you to feel that you don’t need help or input because you can do it yourself. You’re simply hoping for the best.
Fear of Missing Out
This is a true concept in our minds and even has an acronym. FOMO.
We often assume that to be a believer means we must take a vow to give up everything that is fun or exciting. It feels like choosing God means that you can’t experience life.
The assumption continues by thinking that anything that brings you joy must be “illegal” in God’s eyes. The picture is painted of solemn attitudes and saintly behavior and that only these are acceptable to God.
You might consider areas of your life and decide that it’s not worth giving them up. Maybe they’re too great to be uprooted as a believer. You feel that you can’t let believers witness your lifestyle because it’s too corrupt for them.
It’s Boring to be a Believer
Another common reason not to believe in God is that it’s boring. This pertains to studying the Bible and spending time in church. Plus, there are so many rules to follow. The guidelines alone are overwhelming, but the expectation to follow them can seem unbearable.
Even the thought of participating once a week is too much because there are more important, and vibrant, things to do. Why waste your time?

We Have Difficulty Changing
The idea of doing things how someone else expects is too much to handle. It should be easily understood that wanting to make your own choices is acceptable.
Since God tells us how to do everything, you assume there will be areas of your life that would have to change to appease Him. The thought of that makes you cringe and is uncomfortable.
Those that choose not to believe often voice concern. They are comfortable with their life, and the ability to make choices, so they don’t have a desire to believe. Most often, even if things aren’t going well, they refuse to give up the control citing that they can fix it.
Bad Things Happen in the World
It’s a common thought that if God is in control, and He indeed loves us, then bad things should not take place in the world.
We often hear this questioned when something difficult happens to a loved one, especially when children are involved. These occurrences are some of the most common as to why even a believer might turn their back on God.
The Bible is Old and Outdated
This reason is common among younger generations but doesn’t escape any age category. It seems obvious. How can anything that was written so long ago be pertinent to our troubles and situations in the present?
The people from the old days can’t possibly understand the problems of today nor do the stories reflect any reality of our daily routines. Common sense would seem to explain that the mindsets are ancient and don’t apply any longer.
Let’s look at some points about emotions and beliefs of a few characters in the Bible.

Doubters in the Bible
It’s relatable to our topic to look at some doubters in the Bible. They existed then just as they do today. These people experienced hardships and had everyday challenges too. Each has their own story just as we do.
Only Adam and Eve were created believing in God. Because of their sin, we all have a seed of doubt within. God gave them choices. He did not desire servants. This still holds true today.
Following their misstep in the Garden, we have experienced difficulties and trials as their ancestors. This is true for the people highlighted in the Bible as well. Living in that time did not make them immune to issues. In fact, their stories give us insight for a variety of situations that allow relatability.
Numerous people in the Bible reflected doubt. Let’s look briefly at a few.
Job, David, and Jonah
They gained stronger relationship with God through trials but had doubt at times. Their doubt took on the form of emotional pleas, questioning God about themselves and even about His presence.
Job lost all he had and dealt with great suffering. He asked God about the reasons and tried to figure it out on his own. David experienced loss and was transparent about his questions to God and his feelings of despair when writing the Psalms. Jonah tried to run from God and was swallowed by a large fish. He eventually did what God wanted but still wasn’t thrilled about it.
Peter and Thomas
Peter is another great example of human nature in the Bible. A friend and follower of Jesus, he denied knowing Jesus not once, but three times. This took place even though Jesus had told Him of these encounters before they happened. Peter doubted He would ever turn against his friend, yet he was fearful and protective of himself.
But the biggest doubter was surely Thomas. After Jesus rose from the dead, and stood before the Apostles, Thomas refused to believe what He saw. He requested to touch the hands of Jesus and feel the nail holes for proof. Jesus obliged.
Some of these men had more doubts than others. However, even questioning situations and assuming to know the answers shows a form of pride. We can take much from the writings that reflect their anguish and hardships. It shines light on the concept that we’re not so different after all.

An Enemy to Believers
At this point, it’s important to review the main reason that there is turmoil in our world. The situations we’ve looked at took place in the past and are happening in the present. Each of the reasons we’ve discussed are relatable as to why people lack belief in God. But there is another culprit behind the mindset. There is a true enemy to believers, and to God.
Just as Eve eating the apple presented by the serpent, we are tempted daily. The devil takes on many forms and spends much time and energy creating difficulties for us on Earth. It may seem like a tale or untruth but believing this actually helps us understand the story of God.
Why does the devil bother to put up such a fight against us? Because he believes in God too and realizes he will never have a place in heaven. His efforts are to try and gather his own “followers” rather than allow them a relationship with God. It all comes down to a choice. Our choice.
The enemy gives you an invitation by encouraging you to sin. It creates a much harder path by hanging out with him. Satan is a liar and tempts you so he can take everything from you. His conniving methods create ways to trick you into thinking something is enticing, only to attack rather than reward or assist you. It’s the same song and dance over and over, and unfortunately, it’s effective.
First Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Verse 9 continues by saying that people all over the world are dealing with the exact same problem. We’re not alone.
Thoughts From Those That Do Believe in God
So, how do we combat the situation on Earth, and become believers? Perspective is key when assessing the thoughts for changing your mindset. Simplicity is also a great point. Many of the reasons listed as why we don’t believe boil down to the idea that it’s too hard.
Frankly, life seems more difficult as a non-believer. The protection, peace, and power are available, you simply haven’t chosen them yet. Daily blessings abound when you’re a believer.
John 10 tells us in very simple form why people are not believers. It explains that if you haven’t made the choice to believe God, then you’re not one of his sheep. (He is the Shepherd.) It continues by describing that the sheep listen to His voice. They are given eternal life and will never perish.
Ephesians 4:18 says that people are separated from God and understanding because of “hardening of their hearts.” This readily happens because of what we see and experience daily.
It’s important to realize that being one of His sheep is not based on perfection or due to being chosen as worthy. None of us fall into those categories. It’s simply based on choosing Him; it’s a choice to be His child. All are welcomed based on His love for us.
Misconceptions About Believing in God
One prominent misconception is that God is a giant puppet master in the sky that controls all we do and think. Choosing Him would disallow any freedom that we have and require a penitent life without excitement.
This is usually where the reasoning comes in about believers being boring and fearing missing out. When you approach these points from the view of salvation rather than about control, it helps you realize that the possibilities are endless. Religion has rules and expects certainty. Being a believer simply provides relationship with God, not strict oversight.
There’s nothing boring or secondary about relying on the Power of God to be with you in every situation. Instead of missing things, you can have a farther reach and greater confidence when challenging yourself. It helps identify your abilities.

The Truth About the Bible
A point commonly stated about the Bible is that it’s old therefore no longer pertinent to current day. On the contrary, Scripture tells us that the Word of God is “alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV). There are even verses for action steps.
This gives us the ability to see it not as words on a page but as an instruction manual for life. If you read it with your heart, (and have desire to understand) rather than with your eyes, it can change your view. There’s power in the Bible and you become energized just by ingesting the information.
Once you approach it as a source of wisdom, you’ll have revelation toward parts of your life that seemed distant and misunderstood. You can become mindful to all parts of your journey.
Reason for the Crucifixion
Most people, even those that don’t believe, have heard about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. But what does that mean?
A great way to consider the crucifixion is that Jesus died for our possibilities to exceed the punishment in our lives. He opened the door for our successes and abilities vs. the penalty to pay. This is already done for us; we just decide to accept the gift.
God wants us in Heaven with Him for eternity, but there was a price to pay for the sins we commit. (All of us.) So, Jesus—the Son of God—came to Earth to secure our eternity.
Rather than each of us paying individually for the things we are tempted to do, Jesus paid for our sins all at once. Past, present, and future offenses. John 10:10 tells us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
This grants us an opportunity to have the greatest capacity of belief in eternity. We can do so without worry that we must pay. It releases us from debt and allows freedom.
Jesus conquered death when He went to the cross. He overcame our death for eternity and His own by rising from the grave.
Absolving us from this payment of sin does not make us perfect. We always have choices and will fall back to sin. But once we have chosen God as our Savior, we have guaranteed eternity with Him. Repentance from sin is a continued event, but it does not get us into Heaven. Only acknowledging God does that. View this article on spiritual healing for a deeper look at how to overcome these difficulties.
Believing = Relationship
Changing our view of God as a stern and disappointed ruler is one of the most difficult steps of having a relationship with Him. It’s also a common reason that people turn away from believing in God.
It’s challenging to change our beliefs if fear or years of teaching have been present. One of the greatest lies of the enemy is that God is not with you, and that He harshly judges you. These points are untrue, and Scripture teaches us otherwise.
The Bible is filled with verses that teach of God’s love. That we don’t have to worry because He’s always there to take care of us. God won’t chase us down or force a relationship, but He’s always nearby. Whenever we move toward Him, He moves also. That’s the sign of someone interested in a relationship rather than only waiting on you to take the steps.
Even if you’re avoiding God, He still loves you. He is faithful even when we’re not. Your current disinterest doesn’t deter Him from seeking you and wanting a relationship. But He will always let you choose. Remember, God gave us free will. He wants you in His family. To Him, there are no orphans, and He doesn’t want servants.
So why do bad things happen? We can’t know for sure, but many think it’s to allow us growth and to gain wisdom when learning through trials. Often difficult circumstances make us relatable and present to others in need. We rely on God to accompany us when becoming an influence.
After choosing God, it’s our goal to live well and to celebrate all He’s done for us. Not out of fear or being forced, but because we’re appreciative and owe Him for our eternal life. Once we are in relationship, God helps us change areas that may be detrimental to our beliefs. We can tap into His power and protection each day. He wants us to have revelation and gain wisdom.

How to Choose to Believe in God
We continue to refer to “making a choice” when discussing believers. So, how do you become a believer if you have the desire but still don’t know the steps?
It’s simple. According to Romans 10:9, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Verse 13 continues, “for, ’Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’”
By professing your faith, you will join Him and live in eternity with God. He never expects perfection, and He knows your whole story. It’s much preferred to have Him on your side guiding than trying to go through life by yourself. You always have a home.