My Personal Spiritual Journey

Cross Near Mountains Representing a Spiritual Journey



View of Spirituality

One important point to make about spirituality is that each of us discovers and encounters it in our own way.

There may be some similarities in stories, but we can’t be forced to lean into spirituality. It isn’t authentic or long-lasting if that’s the case.

We cannot fully experience all there is if we duplicate another’s steps or ideas. It is a personal and deep experience when recognized in its full capacity.

Something to consider is the way spirituality can positively affect our whole-body health, mental wellness, and emotional health.

Spiritual people have a greater awareness of their well-being and position in life.

It doesn’t create answers to all our problems, but it does promote tolerance and patience in our steps.


I will share my personal spiritual journey. It hasn’t all been easy, but it has been worth the time and effort.

In This Article

The Early Years

As far back as I can remember, I always felt as though I could never get things right.

I struggled with fitting in and had continuous problems.

There were several factors over the years that contributed to these issues. However, the one common thread was that I felt as though I didn’t belong anywhere.

Feeling Incomplete

I was by nature an active person and didn’t like to give up on anything.

Over time, I tried many different avenues to gain the feeling of fulfillment, pride, and acceptance. Nothing seemed to work.

I spent years trudging through a variety of situations that didn’t feel like they led anywhere.

Years of waiting to find the right fit, and struggling to try and make it happen, took its toll.

I was convinced I would find my way and hoped that it would be as great as I imagined.

But the feeling of always making the wrong decisions kept creeping in, and soon I stopped caring if I got it right.

Unfulfilling Journeys

I was always looking for acceptance and the approval of those around me to feel whole.

My imaginary thoughts were convincing and promised that I would find that right spot.

Yet time and again I walked different paths and struggled to keep my head above water.

I always felt like I was drowning, and that I needed to start over on a different journey for a better outcome.

But each time I shed the old, and focused on the new, I still couldn’t seem to figure out the right steps.

Years went by and my life was a broken record of bad decisions and efforts made to convince myself each one would bring a better outcome.

Nothing ever seemed to change.

What Am I Missing?

After many years of finding enough energy to try again and ending up in the same defeated mentality, I started wondering what I was missing.

How could every effort and each year seem to lead me back to the very same spot?

I began to assume I wasn’t smart enough, capable, or that I just had bad luck.

These thoughts took over my days and spiraled my views into a place of darkness and defeat.

How could I possibly find a peak in this never-ending valley?

I decided that I would figure it out and reminded myself that I’m not a quitter. So, I began buying every book I could find on self-help and positive outlooks.

After reading each one and assuming the knowledge would change me, I still struggled to find the end-result I wanted.

I tried but never understood what I was missing.

That’s when I decided to go to a service with a group of people. I was curious about what so many described as “amazing.”

That day I did not view a church or see a specific religion, but I experienced a time of silence in my soul.

It was the first time I had not been overwhelmed with everything going on in my life, and I felt peaceful.

Even though there were what could have been distractions, I felt still and surrendered to the vibe that was taking over.

Spiritual Realizations

This setting was unfamiliar to me. I had grown up in a religious place and was always taught about the rules that must be followed to be close to God.

It seemed impossible.

It was.

I began to realize that the whole mindset and view of following religious rules to come into and stay in good standing births nothing but defeat.

The irony was that the very place that should have been the safest made me feel the most shameful and incomplete all those years.

The realization came when I let my guard down and committed to the process, and I began to feel the benefit of wholeness and protection.

First Steps

My first step was to try and understand more about this new situation.

I am by nature very curious, so I was hungry to gain a deeper knowledge of what was going on and what my role was.

Over time, I talked with people who had experienced a similar process. I thought I should react the same way and have their outlook.

However, I quickly came to realize that because we are all individuals, an increase in spirituality cannot be copied.

Honestly, that was a huge relief.

I had spent my entire life trying to fit in and attempting to figure out what I should do and what I was missing.

Now, I couldn’t wait to dive into this new situation under my own willingness without feeling like I was doing something wrong.

Check out this information about how God is faithful, even when we’re not. This truth changed my entire outlook.

Spiritual Revelations

Over the following days and weeks, I spent time looking at Bible scripture and reading.

I was surprised that something I had seen before seemed to take on a new view. I was curious but felt like I didn’t know where to begin.

I spent personal time listening to song lyrics, reading spiritual books, and sitting quietly. I would focus on my breathing and relax into the experience.

I practiced the art of mindfulness.

There were moments I felt completely dumb to every sentence I read and each lyric I heard, but I quickly reminded myself that I was making the effort and already felt more whole. I even found verses for action steps

For the first time I did not feel judged because of what I didn’t understand, but instead, I felt better just leaning in. I believed.

What Now?

I decided that I would try to spend time daily learning more and to get past the self-ridicule if I didn’t meet a goal. The honest effort was important even when I couldn’t completely accomplish what I wanted. 

As time went by, I gained knowledge of spirituality, my focus on God, and the greater power that I possessed in doing so. I realized that there were verses in the Bible for my struggles.

My efforts not only made me feel better, but they taught me about the wholeness that I had longed for during so many years.

As I continued spending time in prayer, worship, and reading scripture, I became not only more peaceful and hopeful but understood that there is so much more.

Book Cover for Emergence: A Journey to New Beginnings
Emergence is the About Lessons I Have Learned Throughout My Spiritual Journey. (Click the Image to View the Book.)

Next Steps Spiritually

I marveled at my place in the universe and realized that I do indeed have a place; something I had wondered about so many times before.

One fact that became inherently clear was that my movement had to be intentional to reap the benefit. My days of wandering around aimlessly were over.

The choice was mine and had to be a conscious effort if I intended to continue along this new and amazing journey.

View of Spirituality

As time went by, and my spiritual movement continued, I could more readily see that I am a part of something much larger.

What I was once afraid of, rules and must-do mindsets, was not a part of the journey I was on.

Instead, I welcomed the realization that I am one part of a bigger whole, but that I have a distinct purpose and am needed. It creates hopefulness.

Rather than a list of rules, I can be still and hear what my next steps should be.

Obedience leads me onto the correct path; not multiple areas that I end up in without intention or purpose.

That’s not to say that I always get it right, or that I am perfect. This was never the intended mindset.

Yet too often that is exactly what we have been convinced of, and why we feel backed into a corner.

The truth was revealed. With each portion, I gained power, a clearer mindset, and the sure-footed steps to where I am supposed to be.

Intentional Spiritual Movement

There’s no doubt that steps should be intentional, and obedience is key. The benefits are incredible if so.

It became not just words, a quote, Sunday mornings, or “God bless you.” Instead, what was once a posed position became an authentic truth and enriched my faith.

One of the best realizations is that I wasn’t in things alone. I had always felt isolated and that it was me against the world.

Now, I believe in the protection and power that comes with spirituality and the belief in greater. God blesses me each day with protection and favor.

Not only do I know I am not alone, but I intentionally spend quiet time gaining wisdom to propel me into the next phase of my journey.

My intentionality brings forth greater knowledge and propulsion into areas that teach me more about faith, how to stay peaceful, and how to pray.

This isn’t to say things are always easy, sometimes it seems like they will never work out.

However, now I understand that it’s not what I walk through but how I walk through it.

What’s Next?

I learned that with effort and time comes knowledge, but then more intentional growth leads to greater understanding of faith and purpose.

Once there is effort to gain understanding, it leads to revelation of deeper faith and more information that pertains to our specific steps.

With an even deeper dive into revelation comes wisdom. This trait obviously takes time to develop but comes after other steps have been addressed.

Wisdom pertains to the ability to spread understanding and revelation to others and help those that are hungry but not sure of their next steps.

As a leader in faith and wisdom, we can promote growth. Each person is on their own journey and can gain knowledge that will lead to wisdom if they keep moving.

The steps to greater spirituality are:

  • Knowledge – Gaining information about the greater picture
  • Understanding – The transition that begins to identify your place in the journey
  • Revelation– A deeper understanding that births encounters along your journey
  • Wisdom – Sharing your understanding and revelation with others

Thoughts About Spirituality

I would usually label this section of an article as “final thoughts,” but I purposefully did not here because this concept is ongoing and continuous.

The last word is never the last word, and if we stay hungry, there’s always more to learn and other angles to view.

As mentioned earlier, we can readily feel backed into a corner or trapped in the whirlwind of life.

Increased spirituality has given me a different identity and has allowed a more optimistic lens to walk through life with.

Realizing the enormity of the greater picture reminds me that there are endless possibilities, even beyond my current view and scope.

That keeps me excited about what’s to come.

I believe intentionality is key and that there is no such thing as luck.

We are often held to the fire in several aspects every day.

This is a given and doesn’t change because we wish it would or because we do the right things. It’s a part of life.

What do you do when you’re held to the fire?

Your answer could very well be a determinant of your level of spirituality.

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